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Bahasa Inggris

1.      Penggunaan ( A-AN)
A digunakan untuk noun tapi yang berawal dngan huruf consonan dan AN juga untuk noun tapi yang berawalan vocal dan is harus menyertainya karena singular…
Rumusnya adalah S + IS + A/AN + NOUN SINGULAR
Example;  this is a banana (consonan)
                This is an egg      (vocal)
2.      Penggunaan (ARE)
ARE digunakan untuk semua benda tapi jamak atau plural
Rumusnya adalah S + AND +NOUN + ARE + NOUN
Example : Rahman and rahim are students
                 Canada and china are countries
                   Akbar and jhon are heroes
Catatan : aturan penambahan ies, es, s, dalam menjamakkan adalah apabila kata tersebut berakhiran dengan huruf consonan maka cukup menambah huruf s saja. tapi apabila kata tersebut berakhiran dengan huruf O maka ditambah es . namun jika kata tersebut berakhiran dengan y maka huruf y diganti menjadi I kemudian ditambah es menjadi ies.
3.      Aturan penggunaan keluarga dari TO BE
To be adalah auxiliary verb atau kata kerja bantu yang biasa digunakan utuk melengkapi sebuah kalimat.
 Namun ada ketentuan yang sudah ditetapkan dalam penggunaan keluarga dari TO BE.
Example :  I               AM student

                  THEY       ARE students

                   HE          IS a student
4.      Masih dalam keluarga TO BE
Apabila kita ingin menjadikannya pertanyaan maka keluarga dari TO BE dipindahkan kedepan

Example :  AM               I                        STUDENT?
                      ARE            WE                 STUDENT?

                    IS                 HE                STUDENT?

Constraints in syntax
Once transformational generative grammarians become well acquainted with transformations by analyzing English and other language, they quickly noticed that such rules are very powerful. Transformations can generate a large number of sentences that speakers of a language do not accept as proper sentences. To illustrate, consider the structure shown the figure 10-5. With the exception of the conjoined noun phrases in the embedded sentence (which are generated by a rule similar to SS + (conj+ S). all other rules generating this structure have previously been presented. After the insertion of lexical items, the deep-structure string in figure 10-6 may result.

NP                  Aux                    VP

                                                V                                            NP                                                                  S
N                     tense                                   Det                          N                                                      NP                                                                  Aux       VP

Lex[N]                                 Lex[V]         Lex[Det]             Lex[N]                   NP                Conj                       NP                            Tense          

Mary            pres              hate              the                          hat        Det             N                                  Det                   N                                  Lex[Adj]

                                                                                                                        Lex[Det]           Lex[N]                                            Lex[det]       Lex[N]
                                                                                                                        The                       hat   and                     the             coat            pres      be     dirty
                Notice that we have followed the rules perfectly in generating this deep structure. In figure 10-5. A sentence containing conjoined noun phrase is embedded in other sentence. and the hat in the main sentence understood to be identical to the hat in the embedded sentence. Thus, we should be able to apply the relative transformation. However, if we apply this rule, moving the embedded occurrence of the hat and replacing it by which, we derive the unacceptable sentence  
Mary hates the hat which and the coat are dirty. In order to prevent such sentence from being generated.it is necessary to impose certain constraint on the power of transformation.
       One such constraint is called the constraint on conjoined phrase: no phrase contained within a conjoined or coordinate, structure may be moved out of that structure by a transformation (for the purpose of relativization. Question formation and so on). In the previous example this constrain would forbid the movement of the embedded occurrence of the hat out of the structure  containing the conjoined NSp and into the main sentence (mary heats the hat) for the purpose of relativization. Many such constraints apply only to specific languages, but it is hoped that some constraint will hold for all language and thus reveal basic facts about the workings of language.
           Not all constraints that have been proposed are of the same nature as the constraints on conjoined phrase; some are decidedly more functional in nature, that is they have more to do with actual utterances. For example, it is impossible for a speaker to empathize. Or side with more and one individual in a sentence. Thus, in the unaccaptable sentence. Then, mary’s husband hit his wife [in which his refers to husband]. The speaker first empathizes with mary by using the phrase mary’s husband [rather than the name of maey’s husband]. But the focus of empathy is contradicted by the later occurrence may contain more than one focus of empathy. Unlike the constraint on conjoined phrases, this constraint does not disallow the application of a transformation under certain condition. It simply rejects any English sentence that is not internally consistent in the way empathy is indicated.
The study of constraints in syntax was initiated by Chomsky. Ross, and others in the mid- 1960s. originally, they concentrated on formal restriction on transformation, such as the constrain on conjoined phrases. In the 1970s, however. Many linguists extended the nation of a constrain to included such functional restrictions as the empathy constraint. In fact, the study of constraints – with the purpose of reducing the power of transformational-generative grammar to apoid the generation of unacceptable sentences – has been the major issue in syntax during the past fifteen years.
Transformational rules aplly to deep structures to add. Deleted or change element. According to the original standard interpretive  theory transformational-generative grammar and generative semantics. After all relevant transformation have applied a surface structure is produced.
During the fast fifteen years. The study of constraints has been a major issue in syntax. This study of constraints grew because transformational-generative grammar, as originally conceived generated many unacceptable sentence. In order to prevent such sentences from being generated it is necessary to impose certain constraints on the power of transformation.


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